Double Or Quits


There was a project going on a work with web componenets. I wanted to play around and see what they were like. I've been joking with my brother in law about a payment option called Double or Quits, so decided to build that. The entire project was built with JS and I used a library called Hybrids.

Initial Plan

In the first instance, I just wanted to create something incredibly simple that didn't even really do anything. I went through a few youtube tutorials and then built on top of the basics.

Tech Stuff

Nothing too inspiring here. I started off writing my web component in vanilla js. Once I understood how that was working I moved onto a package called hyrids. Hybrids was good to work with as it took a lot of the boiler plate stuff out, however the name is a little generic which meant googling certain issues was occasionally tricky. I found a few things unnecessarily complicated, and I'm not 100% sure if I've done correctly, like how I import the css. However, it seems to work well.


I'm happy with the result. Obviously the prospect of a Double Or Quits payment method is quite rediculous, but the project allowed me to dig further into web components. I enjoy writing in JS. As my starting point in development was Python, and I work a lot on Java nowadays, it was nice to go back to something a little more high level. I found that allows for a lot more playful programming.