Nuff is a curated list of bars and restaurants London that are of high quality and fresh even for Londoners. I built Nuff's back-end with Python, Django, MongoDB and Heroku.
Myself and Jack wanted to build an app that highlighted the best places in London. There seems to be a lot of services/sites which list everywhere in London, but we wanted something that was curated. DoJo closed down. Jack and I thought we could build something similar without it costing too much.
I built the back-end with Django using the django-rest-framework. A lot of the information we store on each establishment is taken from the google places api. This meant I had to build custom save methods that populated the necessary fields on save and post_save signals. Places are returned to the front end ordered by distance from the users current location. I wanted to expand my knowledge for this project and use PostgreSQL, but we decided that Mongo was a better fit and it would cost us less (important considering we're not planning on making any money from this). Images are managed by Cloudinary - a dreamy service. The Django app sits on Heroku and Mongo is hosted by Atlas.
UPDATE: Have switched back to PostgreSQL hosted on an Amazon RDS instance. Mongo drivers are a little outdated in Django so moving back to Postgres made most sense.
We'll see. Very excited to see how much traction this gets. It seemed that a lot of people were gutted that DoJo closed down, so we're hoping to fill that hole for the. If all else fails, it's a decent excuse to visit bars and restaurants.